Hi all! It’s a pity to say that we have come to the end of our lovable module CG1413. Hope everyone enjoyed themselves and I wish everyone all the best for the upcoming exams.
This module, CG1413, helped me to learn a lot of things. Firstly, I learnt how to work together in teams and realized the importance of teamwork and effective communication. Before this course, I used to be a person who was very nervous to speak in front of others and used to run away from oral presentations. I was also too shy to volunteer and ask any questions during class.
As we all know, in today’s world, teamwork and effective communication play a major role in all our lives. We are required to work in teams wherever we go. So, it is important that we learn how to get along well with different kinds of people and how we actually communicate with them.
For this module, I tried to do my best by voicing out my opinions during group meetings and also tried to be more active in class by involving myself in the class participations. The two presentations that we had were very useful as I was able to identify my mistakes and rectify them, for the next presentation. The oral defense was also useful because it tested our ability to defend ourselves and it was also more like a test for our confidence levels. The effective communication was shown in the form of blogs, which were updated time to time. The blog helped us to share our opinions and views. By commenting and reflecting on each other’s posts, it helped us to better understand the feelings and opinions of each other. Another main important thing that I learnt from this module is how to improve my writing skills and how the 7C’s of writing apply while preparing letters for interviews when we are applying for jobs and also for proposals. I also feel that the feedback and suggestions given by Ms Happy, were good as it helped me realize where I was wrong and the areas that I needed to improve on. So, after the end of this module, all these important factors are things that have to be remembered as they do help us a lot in the nearing future.
Another module in which teamwork was necessary was CG1102. It was closely related to CG1413, as our first oral presentation was based on the CG1102 project. The module CG1108 also required us to work in teams for the end of year project. The main idea behind was that we would be able to learn from each other, which was indeed very true as we worked together as a team during the lab sessions and tutorials, sharing with each other things that we knew.
These modules really helped me learn many new things and helped me to become a better, active and a more confident person. It was indeed a good experience for me to work in a team and I did realize the advantages and disadvantages of working in teams. This module was a very memorable one and I had a great time with all my classmates and of course, Ms Happy for making this module so interesting and motivating. I really enjoyed doing it and look forward to doing similar modules in the semesters to come. :)