Sunday, January 24, 2010

Communication and Teamwork: why are they important to me?

Communication is the exchange of thoughts and ideas through gestures, signs, signals, speech or writing. Basically, communication is sharing information, whether in writing or orally. Effective communication is a two way process- sending the right message and also it being correctly received and understood by the audience. The ability to communicate effectively is an art that can be used in many areas of your life, from employment and education to parenting and relationships. Today’s increasingly global economy places a premium on teamwork in the workplace.
In today’s world, communication plays a key role in everybody’s lives. A person with lots of knowledge should be able to put out his ideas through good communication skills but if he fails to do so he would be considered equal to a person with no knowledge. So, getting great ideas is not important, what really matters is the ability to portray those ideas in a way that others can understand. Nowadays when we go for interviews, what they look for is people with good communication skills and only after that will they look at that person’s qualifications.
Teamwork is the process of working collaboratively with a group of people, in order to achieve a goal. It is a crucial part of a business, as it is often necessary for colleagues to work well together, trying their best in any circumstance. Teamwork means that people will try to cooperate, using their individual skills and providing constructive feedback, despite any personal conflict between individuals.
Students are also encouraged to work collaboratively on academic projects and in competitions such as the Lego League robotics competition. These projects aid students in developing the essential skills that they will need when they enter the working world. A team project is when members of the teamwork work interdependently towards the same goal. It is not hard to explain why team projects always surpass group projects or individual work. When working in teams, there will be more people and so there will be more new ideas and obviously the result would be much better compared to the same task done individually.


  1. Hi manjula,
    I really like the way you clearly define the meaning of both communication and teamwork right at the beginning. This allows the readers to have a clear idea on which aspect of communication and teamwork that you wish to blog on. Moreover , the usage of real live experience as examples let the readers feel as though you know and understand how they feel. This is a very good style of writing as it can create an imaginary bond between you and the reader. Thus, the reader would be likely to read your blog post till the end.

  2. Hi Manjula,
    I like the way in which you clearly explained that communication is important in order to fully maximise his knowledge. Your explanation of teamwork using relevant examples from the current work we are doing eg.Lego competition was quite significant since we will be more interested in your explanations as they concern us.

  3. Hi Manjula
    I really enjoyed reading your blogpost as it is interesting and very relevant to our lives. Your post is also very clear and concise as you directly define the parameters of the important terms involved which are 'communication' and 'teamwork' and then proceed to talk in detail about their importance and more. However there seems to be some ambiguity when you say that team projects surpass group projects and leave that part unexplained. Maybe you can mention something about the differences between a team and a group. Apart from this, your blogpost was a pleasant read. Keep it up! (:
